Esper Knocks Navy Planning; Thornberry & Dems Oppose $3.8B For Wall « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

" The Navy Department's failure to submit the 30-year shipbuilding plan, which is due with the defense budget every four years, rankled lawmakers far more. Esper said he hadn't seen it yet, and would submit it "once I've had a chance to review it and digest it and follow up on it." 

That wasn't the answer Rep. John Garamendi was looking for. "You are heading for a major brawl with this committee," he bluntly told Esper. "The law is quite clear. When you submit your budget, you are to submit the shipbuilding plan and for you to say you're going to give it to us on your own good time, and when you're ready, you are not in line with the law."

Rep. Joe Courtney, chairman of the House Armed Services sub-committee for seapower and projection forces, added "this is not sort of a feel-good law. It's because Congress needs headlights to see where you're going because of the fact that shipbuilding is such a long game. "

The confusion and frustration coming from the committee today will probably grow sharper tomorrow, when acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly, Navy chief Adm. Michael Gilday, and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger appears to explain what is happening with their once-touted modernization plans."

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