Economists See A Plus Side of No Term Limits for Xi, But Other Sources Seem to Indicate Otherwise

Article Summary: Some Economists See A Plus Side In Eliminating Term Limits For China's Xi Jinping

Article compares and contrasts the evolution of China’s economy from March 2007 to March 2018. It notes economists see a positive aspect in Xi remaining president, at least until China’s economy stabilizes and remains strong. At the same time, economists also realize a healthy economy requires more individual freedoms. However, sources outside the subject article indicate China’s denial of individual freedoms are on the rise.
  • Between 2000 and 2007 China’s economy experienced double-digit growth. However, corrupt elites benefitted from the growth - the common people did not. The article also noted “many of the world’s top economists” were surprised because they assessed the Chinese model as “the best thing since sliced bread”.
  • 2013- Xi Jinping becomes China’s president and allegedly focused his first few following years toward eradication of political corruption, and securing a “consumer-led growth model”.  However, Chinese economists see the state sector suffer as it transitions into a consumer model. The impact could take years to right itself. 
  • 2018 - Chinese economist Andy Xie stated approximately 800 million Chinese work, mostly overtime barely making enough money to survive. China’s per capita growth is only approximately $8000 a year. This puts China below the global growth average amongst developed countries.
  • Now, some “economic experts” assess China’s abolition of presidential term limits is a good thing for China’s economy. Removing term limits allegedly gives President Xi Jinping to correct the lopsided financial growth. Without Xi in office, some economists believe corruption will return and economic growth will stifle. At the same time, some economists realize a change in civil liberties and a freer political environment is needed for a well-functioning economy.

Schmitz, Rob. 17Mar18. Some Economists See A Plus Side In Eliminating Term Limits For China's Xi Jinping.; accessed 17Mar18

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