China Trade Deal Congressional Record Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 No. 8

Congressional Record Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 No. 8


Madam President, finally, on China,

tomorrow the United States will complete a signing ceremony for the socalled phase one trade agreement with

China. After 18 months of negotiations,

the phase one deal is remarkable for

how little it achieves at an enormous


President Trump has agreed to scale

back some tariffs on Chinese goods in

exchange for temporary assurances

that China will increase its purchase of

U.S. exports over the next few years,

particularly in agriculture.

For all the effort and turmoil over

the past few years, the deal President

Trump will sign tomorrow hardly

seems to advance the United States

past square one. It fails to address the

deep structural inequalities in the

trade relationship between China and

the United States.

For the past decade, China has stolen

American intellectual property

through forced technology transfers of

our companies and through outright

cyber theft. The President’s phase one

deal doesn’t even address this issue.

China has routinely subsidized its most

important domestic industries. Not

just labor-intensive industries but even

industries like Huawei are subsidized

to gain unfair advantage over American companies. China has dumped

goods illegally into our markets. It has

manipulated its currency to keep

prices low. The President’s phase one

deal doesn’t address any of these


Not only does this deal fail to make

any meaningful progress toward ending

China’s most flagrant abuses, what it

does achieve on the agricultural side

may well be a day late and a dollar

short. China has already made longterm contracts with other producers of

soybeans and other goods in places like

Argentina and Brazil. American farmers have already lost billions over the

last 2 years, watched their markets disappear, and too many American farms

have gone bankrupt in the time that it

took President Trump to reach this


I have publicly praised the President

when he is tough on China, at some political cost. I have said he has had better instincts on China than previous

administrations. Few politicians have

been talking about securing real reforms to China’s economic policies

longer than I have. But I fear that with

an election around the corner, the

President is taking the easy way out—

settling for a weak deal that will cost

American businesses, American farmers, and American workers for years

and years to come.

I yield the floor.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The majority whip.

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