Iran, Human Rights, Appeasement and Carrot/Sticks Debate - Congressional Record Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 No. 8


Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President,

every day brings more repudiation of

the conventional wisdom of the Democratic foreign policy establishment,


by the mainstream media, that the

strike on Soleimani would unite Iranians behind the regime. Remember,

that is what they were all saying, that

the strike on Soleimani would unite

Iranians behind the regime. Proud Iranians continue, however, to take to the

streets not to rage against America or

Israel but to vent their frustration

against the corrupt, theocratic regime

that has led Iran down a ruinous path.

I spoke about these protests before

the strike on Soleimani, and I will continue to speak out about them. I have

long believed the United States should

care about human rights and democracy, whether in Russia, China, Hong

Kong, Burma, Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Syria, or Iran. The promotion of human rights and the defense of democracy should not necessarily be the driving force of our foreign policy, but it should be an important component.

I ask my Democratic colleagues who

share this view to set aside their hatred for Donald Trump—even just for a

moment—and to step back to look at

what has been happening across Iran

for years: the repression of women, the

persecution of ethnic and religious minorities, and the brutal suppression of


Was the Obama administration right

to meet the 2009 Green Revolution with


Consider the story of Iran’s only female Olympic medalist, who this week

defected—defected—from Iran and requested asylum; or the Iranian state

TV broadcasters who quit, apologizing

to the public for years of lying on behalf of the mullahs; or the innocent

protesters who are being killed and

wounded by agents of the state.

These are well-known realities. They

were well known when, 12 days ago, the

United States took the most dangerous

terrorist off the battlefield, but

mystifyingly, many voices here in

Washington and the media sought to

blame the escalating tensions in the region on President Trump.

We heard from leading Democrats

that the operation to eliminate

Soleimani was one of the administration’s ‘‘needless provocations’’—needless provocations. We heard that the

cycle of violence was America’s responsibility. All of this—all of it—flies in

the face of the reasonable analysis

some of my colleagues on the other

side of the aisle were offering before—

before—Donald Trump became President.

In 2007, 30 Democratic Senators

joined Republicans to support an

amendment warning of the need to prevent ‘‘Iran from turning Shia militia

extremists in Iraq into a Hezbollah like force that could serve its interests

inside Iraq, including by overwhelming,

subverting, or coopting institutions of

the legitimate government of Iraq.’’

That was back in 2007, with 30 Democrats.

Few more prescient warnings have

been pronounced by this body, but, unfortunately, it went unheeded by the

Obama administration, which withdrew

U.S. forces from Iraq, effectively abandoning it to Soleimani and his proxies.

As recently as 2015, the Democratic

leader warned that the JCPAO failed to

address Iran’s destabilizing malign activities and that Iran would use its

windfall to ‘‘redouble its efforts to create even more trouble in the Middle

East and, perhaps, beyond.’’ That was

the Democratic leader in 2015.

Senator MENENDEZ hit the nail on

the head as well. He warned: ‘‘If there

is a fear of war in the region, it will be

fueled by Iran and its proxies and exacerbated by an agreement that allows

Iran to possess an industrial-sized nuclear program and enough money in

sanctions relief to significantly continue to fund its hegemonic intentions

throughout the region.’’ Senator


So many of our Democratic colleagues understood all this quite clearly when a Democrat occupied the

White House, and it came true. It came

true. Iran’s aggression only accelerated

after the Obama administration’s deal.

The question for us is not whom to

blame. That much is clear. The question is what to do about it.

As Iran’s aggression became focused

on the United States, as the risk to our

personnel and interests grew, after

months of repeated warnings, President Trump took action. I am glad the

strike against Soleimani has provided

some justice—some justice—to his

countless victims, hundreds of Americans and many more across the Middle


We don’t yet know if Soleimani will

prove irreplaceable, but his death will

significantly disrupt Iran’s death machine and will change Iran’s long-held

misconception that they could literally

get away with the murder of Americans without a meaningful response.

President Trump’s strategy seems to

have reestablished deterrence.

The Senate risks jeopardizing what

we have gained with this strike if it

ties the military’s hands and tells Iran

that we have no stomach for this.

America can hardly be defeated on the

battlefield, but we can be defeated at

home on the political front. We can

allow ourselves to become divided and

play into the hands of our adversaries.

Our divisions at home are significant.

Let us not allow them to pollute our

judgment on foreign affairs. Let’s not

make our adversaries’ lives easier by

tying our military’s hands.


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